Have you ever wondered why our body processes liquids and solids separately? It designed a system for digestion that provides for the exit of solids one way, and liquids the other way.
Dr. Mats Wolgast at the Uppsala University found out that one of the biggest health risks is the modern day flushing toilet. He and his team designed a separation toilet, that only needs a three liter flush and is connected to a special vortex, called the Aquatron, which separates the liquids and the solids in a short swirl using the force of gravity. The solid matter dries out fast, and the liquid is purified ready for reuse.
The city of Timrå in Northern Sweden decided to install the system and tests demonstrated that there was no smell, and that all viruses were eliminated. Now the drawings for the dry separation toilet finetuned by Anders Nyquist are available open-source on the internet. The urine serves as a source of potassium and feces are sold as a fertilizer."
Toilets - that Save Water - Green Renaissance
Aquatron Toilets - That Save Water - Green Renaissance - Reuse